Tai Chi classes begin again in January 2024!
Studio Solomon
Martial Arts, Self-Defense, West African Drumming, Tai Chi

Call/Text 717-329-2955 or email StudioSolomon@aol.com
About Us
Studio Solomon is a small but fully equipped West African drumming and martial arts studio. Equipment includes djembe and dunun drums, stands, sticks, folding chairs, folding mats, mirrors, free-standing heavy bags, gloves and more.
And our drumming room is equipped with folding chairs, studio drums and rental drums to accommodate drum classes and others that require a multi-purpose space. Our space and offerings are constantly growing and evolving.

Studio Solomon opened in May of 2012, focused on women-only martial arts/self defense style fitness classes.
Offerings expanded to women's self-defense workshops and co-ed martial arts classes in 2013.
We expanded from a one-room studio to a spacious 2nd floor studio in 2014 and remained in that location until the building was sold in mid-2015.
Studio Solomon relocated to Lemoyne in October 2015, expanded its space in 2016 to offer women's self defense and co-ed martial arts training in the Universal African Fighting Arts System, African dance and drum classes, tai chi, meditation, and periodic art and writing workshops, too!
As with many businesses, Covid brought about major changes that included downsizing back into the original Lemoyne space and a pivot in the overall business focus.
As of 2023, ongoing, on-site classes are focused on West African Drumming, with limited offerings in martial arts & self defense-related programming.
310 S. 10th Street
Lemoyne, PA 17043
Hours vary by day and class schedules. Specialty classes as scheduled.
If the lights are on, stop in!
Monday 6:00 - 8:45 PM
Tuesday 6:00 - 8:30 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - Noon (Most Saturdays)
Phone: 717-329-2955